Guangzhou Gelangnu leather Co.,Ltd. which is located in famous leather market-shiling,huadu.We specializing in designing ,manufacturing exporting variours bags,including backpacks,tactical vests,belts,knee pads,putdoor bags,travel bags,school bags,computer bags,mummy bags and other protectiive bag accessories.
Our factory over 3000 employees,106 production lines,and all kinds of machines and raw materials available for different custom requirements.We have our own designer,sample maker and engineer to creates dozens of new products every month.With more than 20 years experience,professional design and strict QC team,we have the ability to provide and develop a full range of tactical equipments.Welcome to make OEM/ODM orders from our factory.
With large quanities stock goods ,perfect customized experiece and fast delivery time,choose our factory is your best choice.